List of links
you should visit
for Hobbes' own
personal benefit.

My Personal
Neo Incognita

Vcl Art

My Diary-X

Kitsune Panic

Art By Hobbes Maxwell

The first comic Previous comic

Kitsune Panic is hosted on Keenspace, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics.

i ask you, bulb or chicken?

(Link of the Fortnight)

this weeks' random
link provided by
Andrew Page, evil
computer genius,
Otaku, and personal
friend, i gave him my
spare online comic.
the art and sense of
humor he posts there,
are at best,

Dormlife online


As most of you have already realised, i've done nothing over the summer months, and for this i apologise.but now i'm back, and with any degree of luck i will stay this way. i intend to make go somewhere with this comic, but as of right now, i have no clue how to do this. plus, this whole page layout suck cause, i don't know html so well. i hope to change this as well by learning it myself of find someone who does.

so, like i said, give me some time and eventually this place will bloom. in the meantime watch this space.


all my privious rants, in chronological order.